Finn Wilhelmsen (1939 – 2013) residing at Husøy outside of Tønsberg, was a passionate collector within many fields. His extensive library is an example of great personality and enthusiasm. The contents and background history of a book was for Mr. Wilhelmsen often just as important as the technical condition, this not meaning that there are not bibliophile and precious objects in the collection.
His field of special interest was books and prints within the history of cartography from the 15th on to the 19th century, the collection represented by a large number of atlases. The collection also includes several beautiful Bibles.
The collection was auctioned November 2. 2019. CLICK HERE FOR PRIZES REALISED
Joannis Camertis Minoritani, artium, et sacrae theologiae doctoris, In .C. Julii Solini Polyistora enarrationes […].
Vienna, 1520.
A fine copy in modern red maroquin.
Containing the earliest obtainable map to name “America”.
Rome, 1555.
First edition.
Amsterdam, 1659.
Spanish text edition, the first dated volume of “Atlas Major”.
Ulm, 1486.
Woodcut map in contemporary colour. The rare first printed map of the Northern region.
Insel Verlag, 1913-1914.
Facsimilie edition in 300 copies in two parts.
Strasbourg, 1481.
Large incunabula in original blind tooled calf.
C. Julii Cæsaris Quæ Extant Tabulis Æneis.
London, 1712.